Friday, April 27, 2007

Forced Flux

I met with the Rabbi this morning. I had business to discuss with her concerning a program I am chairing. Then we talked about my "bump" and facing surgery. I've also talked about it with most of my good friends. Talking helps. The more people I tell, the better I feel. Of course, that might have something to do with the people I've been telling. I've managed to surround myself with thoughtful, caring people who know how to listen. This is not an accident, but it is still a bit of a surprise.

I'm in a state of flux. I can't jump whole hog into my new career yet. I'm busy with lots of little stuff, but I'm also slowing down. It's like I'm about to change lanes. First I have to slow down until I see my opening. Then I can slide into place one lane over. But changing careers and launching my son off to college and having this surgery is like crossing several lanes at once, so I gotta time it just right. I'm not usually comfortable in a state of flux, but this feels right and necessary.

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