Thursday, April 19, 2007

More on the "bad patch"

So the bump turned out to be benign. That was the good news. The bad news is it still has to come out. A benign cyst in my salivary gland. How hard can that be to remove? Pretty hard, it turns out. The surgery is tricky because my facial nerve runs right underneath the cyst. The doctor says he has to trace the various branches of the nerve before removing the cyst to make sure nothing gets damaged. Damage to the facial nerve could mean I wouldn't be able to smile, or wink maybe. So it's general anesthesia and about 5 hours of surgery. I have to stay overnight and I don't get to eat anything. My son tells me the anesthesia part is fine - he had foot surgery recently - but no food! I don't like to be hungry. I'm mean when I'm hungry. Okay, I SHOULD be counting my blessings that the bump is benign. Instead I'm worried about missing a few meals. So here's something else - no Pilates! The doctor says I won't be doing any vigorous exercise for a couple weeks. The bright side is I'll have a good reason to go into the studio and do observations, which I need for my certification anyway. So it's all good, as they say. Spin, it's all about spin.