Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is it really us and them?

I live in California. We have a measure on the upcoming ballot that would eliminate the right to marry for same-sex couples. I oppose Proposition 8. I have compared it to the infamous Nazi Nuremberg Laws. Did you know Section 1 of the Nuremberg Laws also applied to marriage? Outlawing marriage between certain Germans was just one of many steps taken to legally dehumanize Jews. I wonder if the people who support Proposition 8 realize how closely their constitutional amendment to “preserve marriage” from the nonexistent threat of marriage equality echoes Nazi laws designed to “safeguard the future of the German nation”? I pray that, like some good Germans, these folks will stop listening to their leaders and listen instead to their hearts.

Proposition 8 is wrong. It seeks to institutionalize prejudice. I really hope I don't have to decide what to do about living in a society that would do something so backward as denying gay couples the right to marry.

P.S. I had a No on 8 sign in my front yard for the past several weeks. Yesterday I noticed it was gone. Someone removed my sign. Apparently some of the people who want to amend our State Constitution to deny the right for some citizens to marry are also willing to trample on the U.S. Constitution--denying me my freedom of speech. I am afraid "America land of the free" has been replaced by America the intolerant.

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