Thursday, October 2, 2008

A New Year

Rosh Hashanah usually sneaks up on me. It is supposed to be a time of reflection. But it comes at a time of year that is so full of activities I'm generally unprepared when the holiday actually hits.

Not this year. I was ready to reflect and consider, regroup and assess. It has been a very long, painful Summer and getting a New Year seemed like a really good idea. I have plans for getting my body back into condition, my house back in order, and my business...well, just back.

Rosh Hashanah is an opportunity to put everything back on track. And boy do I need that. For starters I need to feel more centered in my own being. So there will be more breathing. And maybe, just maybe, I will take my own advice and think long and hard before I say "Yes" to another committment.

We'll see.

Happy New Year!

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