Thursday, July 24, 2008

SRD7 & 8 Gingerbread Therapy

If you didn't see this coming you just aren't paying attention.

Yesterday's wallow in self-pity required an intervention. Fortunately, I have a Cook's Illustrated recipe for Gingerbread that has proven palliative properties. (God I love alliteration!) It takes a few minutes to put together--mostly because you have to measure so many spices--but it isn't difficult. I felt better even before the cakes came out of the oven. The glossy, thick batter looked so substantial in the pans. The steam pouring out of the vent perfumed the kitchen with spice and caramelized sugar. No one can resist such smells.

Baking took all morning. The gingerbread helped, but I still maxed out on Percoset pills to get through the rest of the day. At night I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in and when I got out of bed my face was puffy and pale. Maybe that was because it was so early. I had a PT appointment at 7:20 this morning. I had to shower, dress, and get out the door. So I didn't have much time to feel sorry for myself.

Thank God for my physical therapist. He stretched and manipulated my shoulder, then he taped it so it wouldn't hurt so much. He is optimistic about the eventual recovery of my range of motion. I came away with exercises and hope.

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